Monday, May 5, 2008

Charmin... shitty situation

Has anyone been paying attention to the recent Charmin ads? They are disturbing....

What has been happening at these people's home? Has someone been dragging their poo around the carpeted floor in some sort of nasty (and smelly) version of Nascar. I see where the appeal could come in, "Car number 2, skids around the corner" and "Car number 1 just doesn't have what it takes to cross the finish line". But please, is this really a prominent problem in American homes? And if it is... shouldn't matchbox be solving this problem with a wheeled fecal series (and they say all the good ideas are gone).

And why may I ask is the 3lbs so prominent on the dramatized poo bricks? Was this an arbitrary weight, like they took a poll around the set and came up with 3 lbs as the average drop off weight, or did some poor schmuck from P&G's research department undergo extensive research on the weight of the average person's dookey?

There is a take away from this... bears do shit in the woods and my job ain't so bad.

1 comment:

Ben Urquhart said...

Thank god someone has spoken out about this cartoon Bear poop assault on our nation's airwaves!!!

I fear that if the Charmin corporatocracy becomes desperate little white rabbits will start appearing in these adds with the bears.