Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wow - Bloggin: is tough work

Yes, I know its been over a month since my last post... There has been so much to blog about and yet so little time... so rather than warp to the next level, I would like to spend some time musing about the last month.

Starting with our awesome going away party! In all honesty, I thought the invite would over shadow the party (since I was so happy with my first successful attempt at photoshop) but that couldn't be further from the truth. I can't believe the amount of people and support that we got from everyone, it was so amazing. I haven't been emotional about leaving New York at all... but I managed to break into tears multiple times. There are so many friendships that I have made over the past years and we have all truly grown up with each other, watching our lives change to grad school, marriage, children and promotions. New York City is kind of like having a second attempt at adolescence, a chance to really find yourself and figure out what it is you want to be when you grow up.

The party was at Edge Bar in the east side, my hands down favorite moment of the night was when the bar tender called for me: "Beth, Beth who is Beth". A lot of people started pointing in my direction, and I thought I was in trouble; "Are you Beth?", the bartender asked..."yea", "Well your mom called and she wants me to tell you that she loves you and that she is thinking of you and would like to buy you and Ben a drink". How cool is that? Under normal circumstances you never want the bartender to start a sentence "Your mom called and...", this could only mean a handful of things:

1) you spend way too much time at the bar
2) the bartender is your dad
3) dinner is ready

It was nice to be thought of by my friends, co-workers and family that night. Especially on the night I was graduating from New York.. hey you got to grow up sometime.

Stay tuned for our news on our road trip...

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